- 論文の詳細を見る
The proposed reorganization of universities as independent administrative corporations is discussed in terms of academic autonomy and efficiency. While the independent administrative corporation is characterized by slim and efficient organization and independence, it is pointed out that it is not easily adapted as the principle of management for the university. However, academic autonomy is warranted only by the public commission to create values in future. The present situation where the universities have not effectively responded to this requirement justifies the reorganization as an opportunity for reform. Specific problems to reform are discussed. The present General law is in conflict with the essence of academic autonomy which lies in freedom of research and education, as well as financial and personnel independence. It is pointed out that the autonomy in education and research should be guaranteed by a special law. Academic reform also needs personnel management system that may not be fully compatible with the present Government Officials Law. The author finally presents his own proposal on the national universities as a single legal person, and asserts that more public expenditure is needed for higher education.
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- 2000-10-25
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