- 論文の詳細を見る
It has recently been reported that some venture businesses, started by researchers who have spun out of research organizations involved in the human genom project, are trying to complete the decipherment process several years earlier than foreseen and obtain patents for their results. Determination of the base sequences of genes in nothing but a verification of basic factors in biology. Granting patents for people who discovered those facts will restrict applied research ensuing from the discovery, even before its application potential becomes clear. It is not only unfair in the philosophy of modern law, but also jeopardizes free exchange of information as the basis of modern science. On the other hand, progress of the Japanese genome project has not been repid enough, simply because the program in the field of basic research does not provide prospects for big commercial profits, while pharmaceutical giants in Europe have reportedly started their own full-fledged research programs. Traditionally, the Japanese government, businesses and universities have all been aimed at being "the second best". This resulted in their lack of basic stance towards cutting-edge technologies. Thus the key to Japan's success in the biobusiness is in the hand of the nascent venture businesses. People in this field are encouraged to have enthusiasm to lead the research in an international scale.
- 研究・技術計画学会の論文
- 2000-10-25
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