- 論文の詳細を見る
Beginning his work with energy problems, the author has been concerned with the problems of mass consumption of natural resources in modern industrial societies. He has looked for a comprehensive way to show the flows of energy and natural resources. It is desired that the relations among energy, material resources and biological resources on the earth be shown through only one table. A table has been constructed which can describe, in a quantitative way, the relations between resources and problems related to the ability of mankind to survive on the earth. Then, the author makes a Global Resource Balance Table which included the column of stocks of natural resources, based on the Energy Resource Balance Table. This table pays attention to the flows and the stages of use of various resources on the earth. It also describes the flows of resources in fixed periods at the stages: acquisition, transformation, consumption, abondonment and recycle. The conception of a Global Resource Balance Table viewed as a first step, and offers some insights, but development will continue to create a more comprehensive means of analysis.
- 研究・技術計画学会の論文
- 1989-09-10
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