- 論文の詳細を見る
Systems for storage and utilization of corporate knowledge are classified into three types according to where knowledge is stored for later utilization: in people's brains, in paper forms, or as standards. These systems are "Gutenbergian" in that they rely on printed matter as the information medium. Recent developments in communication network technology gave rise to a fourth type in which knowledge is stored in intranet, where electromagnetic storage in digital formats has replaced paper as the information storage medium. In addition to processing of increasing amount of data and information for more efficient business, which ahs been prompted by envelopment of information technology, knowledge management has recently been attracting attention as a means for enhancing business activities. The next step will be wisdom as a survival tool of an enterprise. As the object of management has been developed from data to information, knowledge, and to wisdom, higher values are being added to products.
- 1999-07-25
- 特集にあたって(統合オペレーションの戦略・マネジメント)
- 20世紀から21世紀へ
- 統合オペレーションを取りまく環境(統合オペレーション(1))
- 長期的パートナリング : 三菱電機と米国ウエスティングハウス社との技術提携 (パートナリング)
- 生涯教育の必要性と高等教育への期待
- グローバルエンジニアの育成
- 大規模激甚災害に対する広域防災について
- 工学教育連合講演会 開催報告
- 1C18 多様性の経営
- 2E23 日本のMOTに求められるもの(R&Dとマネジメント)
- 2D09 戦略策定の要件
- 2C14 変革期におけるR&Dマネジメントに求められる本質的課題
- 1A12 知識創造企業における研究開発部門の変革
- 知識のマネージメント
- 電子商取引の世界動向
- パラダイムシフトと私のモデル論