スチュワードシップ理論 : 性善説に基づく経営理論 : 理論の解説, 先行研究の整理, 今後の研究の方向性
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This research note aims to produce a lead for future theoretical and empirical research projects on stewardship theory. In contrast to agency theory, which views human beings as opportunistic and self-interested, stewardship theory argues that people are self-actualizing and good stewards in nature, thus they are motivated to work hard for their company and to look after its interests and those of its shareholders. It is a relatively new management theory, and most of the empirical studies conducted to date have focused on corporate governance, i.e., relations between CEO duality/board compositions, and organizational outcomes, especially financial performance. However, more research is required to identify new constructs and their interactions, and to delineate theoretical details. The paper presents what we know about stewardship theory including psychological and structural components, literature reviews and implications for the future research from the perspective of integrating agency and stewardship theories.
- 2005-07-31
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