愛知県瀬戸地方における窯業珪肺の研究 : 窯業珪肺とその他の珪肺の剖検例の研究
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Autopsies were performed on 19 cases of silicosis patients who died in Asahi Hospital of Workmen's Compensation for Accidents. Occupationally, these cases consisted of 11 potters, 1 mason, 2 silica sand workers, 1 glass worker, 1 sandblaster, and 3 miners. As to the cause of deaths, they consisted of 4 cases of cor pulmonale, 3 cases of spontaneous pneumothorax (including 1 potter), 3 cases of lung cancer (all of potters), 6 cases of other cancer (5 of these being potters), and 3 cases of other complications (2 of these being potters). In the lungs of non-ceramic silicosis, formation of seats of large nodules, emphysema, and typical silicotic nodules were confimed. This may be the reason why the cause of deaths was mainly car pulmonale or spontaneous pneumothorax. On the contrary, in the lungs of ceramic silicosis, nodules were mostly non-typical and formation of nodular seats was less marked. It is noteworthy that among 11 cases of potter's silicosis 3 cases of pulmonary cancer were found.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
- 1966-04-20
- 054. けい肺患者の血清蛋白分画について
- 9. 当院における珪肺患者死亡の実態
- 窯業のじん肺およびじん肺結核
- 313. 珪肺患者の歩行時換気量検査について (塵肺(I))
- 27. 結核菌燐脂質感作カオリン凝集反応追試成績 : 主として,けい肺結核症例について
- 悪化率からみたじん肺結核(化療中)の経過観察
- 27. 結核菌燐脂質感作カオリン凝集反応追試成績
- 7) 重症珪肺症の1例 (経営者は管理医に何を望むか, 管理医は経営者に何を望むか)
- 5) けい肺患者に運動負荷試験を行ない難い場合の症度鑑別参考事項についての研究 (経営者は管理医に何を望むか, 管理医は経営者に何を望むか)
- 192. 珪肺患者のTetrahydroxyquinone内服療法 (珪肺及び塵肺)
- 10. 窯業珪肺とその他の珪肺の剖検例
- 愛知県瀬戸地方における窯業珪肺の研究 : 窯業珪肺とその他の珪肺の剖検例の研究
- 愛知県瀬戸地方における窯業珪肺の研究 : とくにレ線像病型分類と肺機能検査成績との比較研究
- 窯業珪肺患者のX線病型別にみた心肺機能検査成績
- 6) 窯業珪肺患者の肺換気力学 (経営者は管理医に何を望むか, 管理医は経営者に何を望むか)
- 335. コンプライアンス・テストによる珪肺の検討 (珪肺)