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The author reported a fundamental experiment on a drug (Alevaire) mainly consisted of oxymethylated tertiary octylphenoformaldehyde polymer in 1958. The drug was expected to prevent silicosis by expectoration of dust. But, the possibility was considered to bring on hypercholesterolemia when it was used for a long time. The author experimentally studied on this point by the inhalation of the aerosol of the drug for 224 days using rabbits. The results ware as follows. 1. The drug gave no special influences haematologically. 2. An increase in the body weight was observed as the results of fat retention. This was considered to be the influence of the drug. 3. It was useful to prevent silicosis, to inhale the aerosol of non-ionic surface active agent before and after the inhalation of silica dust. 4. Serum lipoprotein increased a little about 20 weeks after the beginning of the drug inhalation. However, the increase in the so-called Lipoprotein Index was not observed. 5. The arteriopuppy sclerosis was not observed in the main arterial wall. 6. Other harmful effects attributable to the drug were not observed. From the above findings, it could be concluded that the drug would be effective in preventing silicosis, without worrying about the fat retention.
- 社団法人日本産業衛生学会の論文
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