- 論文の詳細を見る
This article investigates how developing"multi-media,"or interactive digital communication media,will enchance knowledge-creating capabilities of human being. From the viewpoint of the theory of organizational knowledge creation,knowledge-creating capabilities of various communication media are examined and four dimensions are identified;a)variety of information form,b)interactivity,c)recordability,and d)maturity.Compared with older media, multi-media has better knowledge-creation characteristics in term of dimension a), b), and c), and also posesses three distinctive applications. 1) UBIQUITOUS ARCHIVE facilitates socialization, externalization, combination and internalization, and increase diversity and universality of the knowledge by enabling accumulation preservation and utilization of intellectual asset of human beings. 2) VIRTUAL REALITY has three aspects. As "digital arts" it facilitates externalization and combination by providing sophisticated expression technologies. As "sophisticated simulation" it facilitates internalization by providing leaning-by-doing opportunities. As "tele-existence" it facilitates internalization, socialization, and externalization by loosening time-space constraints of the real world. 3) INTELLECTUAL ENTERTAINMENT motivates individuals foe knowledge creation by clarifying their intention and providing them higher autonomy, and increases volume and diversity of knowledge.
- 1997-04-10
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