8.4 L Enhanced Efficiency in Light Emitting Diodes with Alternating Organic and Inorganic Layers(1.Active-Matrix Technologies I, II)(20th IDRC report)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人映像情報メディア学会の論文
- 2000-11-10
Kwok H.S.
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Kwok H.s.
Hong Kong Univ.of Science & Tech.
Wang L.D.
Hong Kong Univ.of Science & Tech.
Qui C.F.
Hong Kong Univ.of Science & Tech.
Wang L.d.
Hong Kong Univ.of Science & Tech.
- 33.4: Generalized Mixed-Mode Reflective LCDs for Three-Panel Color Projection Applications(2.口頭発表)(Report on SID '99)
- LCD Modeling and Optimization System: Mouse-LCD (情報ディスプレイ--The 6th Asian Symposium on Information Display & Exhibition)
- 8.4 L Enhanced Efficiency in Light Emitting Diodes with Alternating Organic and Inorganic Layers(1.Active-Matrix Technologies I, II)(20th IDRC report)
- Optical Design of Reflective Bistable TN LCD(発表の概略)(Report on Euro Display '99)
- New Bistable TN LCD Modes in Transmission and Reflection(発表の概略)(Report on Euro Display '99)