- 論文の詳細を見る
In chinese medicine, Phellodendri Cortex (Phellodendron amurense RUPRECHT) has been used to treat the patient who suffers from gastroenteritis, abdominal pain or diarrhea. Berberine has been identified as a major component in this plant, and it has biological activities, such as bactericidal activity, anti-cholera toxin effect, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulative effect of bile secretion or bilirubin discharge. In the previous study, we have shown the presence of anti-inflammatory activity in the berberine-free fraction of the extract from this plant. In the present study, we also found anti-ulcer activity in the fraction. The fraction significantly inhibited the formation of ethanol-induced ulcer, aspirin-induced ulcer (s.c., p.o.), pylorus-ligated ulcer (p.o., i.d.) in rats, as well as that of stress ulcer in restrained and water-immersed mice (p.o.). In addition, gastric acid secretion was significantly reduced in pyrolus-ligated rats by subcutaneous or intraduodenal administration of the fraction, but not by oral administration. These findings suggest that the supression of ulcer formation may be due to the additive effect of the cytoprotection effect and the reduction of gastric acid secretion by administration of the berberine-free fraction.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1989-09-25
- I-A-20 霊芝成分の免疫機能調節作用に及ぼす影響について
- I-A-2 淫羊霍の摘出心房筋に対する効果
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- II-A-16 蛇床子エキスの薬理作用(第 2 報)
- II-C-5 性機能障害モデル動物に対する蛇床子の影響
- I-A-3 黄柏抽出物の抗潰瘍効果 2
- I-C-5 黄柏成分分画の抗潰瘍作用の薬理遺伝学的解析
- II-B-15 拘束水浸ストレス潰瘍好発系マウスの育成と黄柏エキス成分効果の薬理遺伝学的解析
- YRA-16 上部消化管癌における染色体異常の分子遺伝学的解析(第42回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- I-B-23 淫羊霍成分の薬理作用 (2)
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- 脱毛症モデル動物 (シンポジウム「毛包脂腺系を科学する--毛髪のサイエンスと新しい育毛剤へのアプロ-チ」)
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- 生薬混合エキス(OMGローション)の男性型脱毛症に対する臨床的検討
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- I-A-1 羊精巣エキス及びその配合方剤の循環器系に及ぼす影響
- II-B-10 霊芝成分による NK 細胞活性増加機構の薬理遺伝学的解明
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- I-C-13 老化促進マウス (SAM) を用いた霊芝の抗老化作用の薬理遺伝学的研究
- 6) マウス顎下腺に及ぼすホルモン効果の分子生物学的解析
- II-B-9 マウスにおける地黄成分効果の薬理遺伝学的解析
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- 八味地黄丸の薬理遺伝学的研究
- I-A-15 サブトラクション法を用いた新しい和漢薬効果解析法の開発
- II-A-8 白血球減少症に対する霊芝熱水抽出エキスの効果
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- Colorimetric Determination of Arginine Aminopeptidase Activity in the Submaxillary Gland of Mice