防巳科植物アルカロイド研究(第123報)Oxyacanthine及びRepandineのPaper Chromatography
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The purity and homogeneity of the sample of oxyacanthine showing m.p.210〜213° or 214〜216°(in vacuum), [α]^<24>_D : +276.1°(CHCl_3), employed in our previous work was examined by paper chromatography, etc. These techniques afforded no evidence that it was accompanied with its optical isomer, repandine. The conditions under which repandine may form from oxyacanthine by treatment with hydrogen chloride was also investigated using the same sample of oxyacanthine but furnished no evidence for tis contamination with repandine. As a result, it was established that the action of 1.12 moles of hydrogen chloride upon 1 mole of oxyacanthine invariably gave repandine.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1955-04-20
富田 真雄
Pharmaceutical Institute Medical Faculty University Of Kyoto
犬伏 康夫
Pharmaceutical Institure Medical Faculty University Of Kyoto
藤田 栄一
Pharmaceutical Faculty, University of Tokushima
藤田 栄一
Pharmaceutical Faculty University Of Tokushima
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