医療制度改革に見るブッシュ政策の特徴 : 2003年メディケア改革を題材として
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Late in 2003, President Bush and the GOP.controlled Congress carried out Medicare reform without paying careful attention to serious concerns about the state of the nation's health care system, especially the increasing number of the uninsured and the rising cost of healthcare. Bush, intensely seeking reelection in 2004, needed more domestic victories to balance off his foreign policy, so he played his ace - Medicare prescription drug benefits - to attract senior citizens known to be swing voters. The result, however, seems gloomy, particularly viewed in terms of the federal budget. The reason is that Medicare reform, expanding entitlement programs to seniors, creates such a heavy and persistent burden on the national finances that the U. S. Government may be unable to take new costly measures to address major issues such as health care reform and tax reform in the future. We may be able to recognize that one outstanding feature of Bush's domestic policies, observable both in the tax reduction policies since 2001 and Medicare reform, is to legislate bills with conditions that can be phased in for several years and then revised at any later time for the president's convenience. Consequently, when it comes to political responsibility, President Bush tends to irresponsibly make important decisions supported neither by sufficient perception and analysis of the issues nor by deliberate consideration for public interests.
- 恵泉女学園大学の論文
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