Effect of Particle Existence on High Reynolds Number Slit Nozzle Gas-Particle Two-Phase Jet
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Three-dimensional Eulerian air velocities and Lagrangian particle trajectories are numerically simulated to describe the effect of particle existence on a high Re number (Re=(10)^4) gas-particle turbulent jet using two-way coupling and Large Eddy Simulation in which the effects of particle existence on subgrid-scale flows are taken into account. The calculated results of air and particle turbulence characteristics (mean velocity distributions and turbulence intensity distributions) are in good agreement with experimental data obtained using a laser Doppler anemometer. Comparison of the instantaneous air vorticity isocontours of gas-particle and clean air jets reveals the production of vortices and eddies in both initial and transitional regions and the reduction of air turbulence in the developed region by the presence of particles. Based on the model for the effects of particle existence on subgrid-scale flow, the flow states that reduce or enhance air turbulence in high Re number gas-particle flow are discussed.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-05-15
梅景 俊彦
Kohno Hiroyuki
Graduate School Of Kyushu Institute Of Technology
YUU Shinichi
Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
UMEKAGE Toshihiko
Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Yuu Shinichi
Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
梅景 俊彦
九州工業大学工学部 機械知能工学科
Umekage Toshihiko
Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu Institute Of Technology
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