- 論文の詳細を見る
The protector which we originally deviced is made of the epoxy rosin containing carcium and zirconium. It is fixed between the X-ray tube and the subject who is examined. In the general exposure condition, the shutting rate of the X-ray by this protector is abut one and half times as much as that by the lead equivalence. To know the effect through the body, the X-ray exposure measurements were made on the fluoro-glass dosimeter or on the film which set behind the body protected by either this protector or the lead plate. The former can diminish the X-ray to the one fifth, while the latter diminishes it to the one third. The bed was specially designed. The water proof canvas tightly fixed with the solid rim of the bed is slightly concaved when the subject is in the recumbent position on it, like a hunging net cradle. The protector at the arm extended from the solid rim is easily set over the genital organs of the subject. No re-examination is necessary in the experience of 1000 cases. Conclusion : 1) For using the specially designed bed, it is not necessary to force to restrict the movement of the subjects and it is easy to set the protector at the proper position over the genital organns. 2) This protector does not disturb the X-ray examination of the hip joints if it covers them at the periphery. 3) Our devised epoxy rosin protector diminishes the X-ray exposure to the genital organs more effectively than the other protectors.
- 公益社団法人日本放射線技術学会の論文
- 1972-01-20
神谷 時雄
竹尾 大行
神谷 時雄
竹尾 大行
荻須 泰
荻須 泰
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