接着剤利用鋼板継手の曲げ剛性について : 三点曲げ試験と計算による評価
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This paper treats with the estimation on the flexural rigidity of adhesive-aided joints in steel (e.g. adhesive joint, weldbonded joint, etc.) based on experiments using three-point bending tests and calculations treating the adhesive joint as composite beams. As main conclusions for the adhesive joint, it is proved that in the case that thicknesses of both steel sheets of the joint are the same, the flexural rigidity increases with the increase of the adhesive part thickness, hence lightening weight of about 30 percent is possible under the condition that the flexural rigidity of the adhesive joint is the same as one of the spot-welded joint, moreover the width of the adhesive part has not so much effect on its flexural rigidity, and calculation results agree very well with experimental ones ; in the case that thicknesses of both steel sheets of the joint are different, the increase of the flexural rigidity using the adhesive joint is in general lower compared with the case that thicknesses of both steel sheets are the same. As main conclusions for the weldbonded joint, it becomes clear that its flexural rigidity is governed by the average thickness of the adhesive part, and decreases with the increase of numbr of spot-weld because the average thickness decreases.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1994-05-05
- 14・2 溶接 : 14.鋳造・溶接
- 334 小さなナゲット径のウエルドボンド継手の研究
- 333 接着剤利用継手の曲げ剛性について
- 326 プロジェクション・ウエルドボンド継手に関する研究
- 224 スポット溶接継手の3次元弾塑性応力解析
- 326 被覆鋼板のスポット溶接部の金属学的観察と疲労強度
- 多点スポット溶接継手の応力分布と疲労強度 (II) : 疲労強度実験の結果
- 多点スポット溶接継手の応力分布と疲労強度 (I) : 応力分布について
- 多点スポット溶接継手の疲労強度の評価方法について
- 腐食環境中のスポット溶接継手の疲れ強さ