- 論文の詳細を見る
Big scale penstock for the hydropower station is mostly an embedded type to be constructed in the underground tunnel. In addition, due to the increase of the penstock capacity, the superior quality of the joint performance is required with the steel materials of heavier thickness and higher strength. For the construction of such embedded penstock of big scale, it is essential to overcome the severe conditions of the field welding work under high temperature and high humidity in the tunnel for securing superior joint performance, and to minimize the sectional area of the tunnel for expediting the construction periods and costs of civil work. To fullfil above two requirements for the field welding of penstock, automatic GTA welding method with remote control system and one side URANAMI welding method with backing metal were developed. The former was developed to enable the excellent joint performance under the severe field conditions, and the latter was developed to enable the field welding only from the inside of penstock in the narrow tunnel.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1988-08-05
- 大型水圧鉄管の現場円周継手を対象とした片面溶接工法の適用性について
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- 軟質溶接継手の HT 80 水圧鉄管現場円周継手への適用性について(第 1 報) : 溶接割れに対する検討
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- 超音波自動探傷システムの開発と現場溶接部への適用例
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- 416 水圧鉄管用鋼材の伸び特性評価に関する一考察
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- 246 HT80鋼を用いた水圧鉄管現場円周継手の自動溶接工法 : (AAT-SW法)による溶接について (第2報)
- 210 HT80鋼を用いた水圧鉄管現場円周継手の自動溶接工法 : (AAW-ST法)による溶接について
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