Al 合金点溶接継手の強さの研究(第 II 報) : すべり係数と荷重配分
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In order to apply the spot welding to primary structures, it is necessary to know not only the static and fatigue strength of welds or these consistencies but also the distortion-coefficient of spot welds and the load-share among the rows of multiple spot-welded joints etc. In the case of riveted joints, the values of coefficient and the formula of load-share have been obtained basing upon various experiments. However, in the case of spot-welded joints, the value of coefficient and its application have not yet estimated. This report deals with the distortion-coefficient of spot welds of the Al Alloy being widely used in structures of aircrafts. Moreover, it has been clarified to be able to calculate the load-share ratio as riveted joints.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1965-11-25
- 航空機配管継手のオ-ビタル自動溶接
- 328 耐熱合金の拡散接合について
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- 点溶接からみた板材の表面状況 : 主として航空機用アルミ合金板について(抵抗溶接現象)
- アルミニウム合金無処理板点溶接法の超音波利用の研究(第 2 報)
- アルミニウム合金無処理板点溶接法の超音波利用の研究(第 1 報)
- アルミニウム合金無処理板用点溶接機の実用化研究
- Al 合金点溶接継手の強さの研究(第 V 報) : 欠陥点溶接部の影響
- (12) Al 合金無処理板点溶接法の超音波利用の研究(第 2 報)(昭和 41 年度春季全国大会講演概要)
- (11) Al 合金無処理板点溶接法の超音波利用の研究(第 1 報)(昭和 41 年度春季全国大会講演概要)