- 論文の詳細を見る
Variation of the absorbed energies and shear fracture appearances associated with the change of the width and the depth under the notch in Charpy impact test were investigated on Al-killed steel in the temperature range from -70℃ to 20℃. The results obtained are summarized as follows; (1) The clear transition curve of absorbed energy could not be observed when decreasing the width and the depth under notch of specimens. (2) The energy peak in the range from -60℃ to -40℃ appeared for specimens of the depth under notch, h=2∿4mm, regardless of their width. (3) The shear fracture appearance of the specimens of 10mm in width showed the tendency of a little increase when the depth under notch decreased from 8mm to 4mm, but its precise measurement was impossible for specimens of the depth under notch of 2mm. (4) Describing here the absorbed energy by E=Ch^mW^n, the exponent m was roughly 1.3∿1.6 and showed a little but not remarkable dependence temperature for longitudinal specimens. On the other hand, it decreased sharply in the range from -40℃ to 20℃ for transverse specimens and that range seemed to correspond to the temperature range of _υT_<γs>. The exponent n was 0.9∿1.1 and showed little dependence on the depth under notch and on the test temperature for both longitudinal and transverse specimens.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1978-01-05
- 配管系に於けるすみ肉溶接部の疲労特性
- 239 Ni基合金の多層溶接の高温割れ
- 119 9%Ni鋼板のインコネル棒とD310棒による交互溶接について
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- 低温用鋼の再現溶接熱影響部の破壊靭性について(第 1 報)
- 105 低温用鋼材の溶接熱影響部の破壊靭性について
- アルミキルド鋼の低温域における衝撃特性
- 450 銅および銅合金溶接材と鋼材の溶接継手の機械的性質
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- 142 鋼材の低温衝撃特性について
- 鋼の低温域における硬さと引張応力および衝撃値との対応性
- Ni 鋼のガス切断縁における Ni 富化層生成に関する考察(溶接金属の水素量)
- Fe-Ni合金の低温域における流動応力と硬さの関連性について
- Fe-Si合金鋼の低温延性について
- 441 溶接用鋼の靭性-脆性遷移に関する一考察
- 410 鋼の硬さ, 降伏強さ比に関する検討
- 215 低Ni鋼の高温酸化について
- 158 Fe, Fe-0.05%Mn における m 値および m^* 値の低温域における温度依存性(委員会報告・引張り特性, 加工・性質・分析・検査・計測, 日本鉄鋼協会第 84 回(秋季)講演大会)
- 配管、圧力容器の溶接技術.技能上の問題点と対応策 (フォーラム「鉄鋼構造物の製造現場における溶接技術・技能上の諸問題とその解決策」)