Cr-Ni オーステナイト溶接金属内の S におよぼす Mn の影響
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Slit test and FISCO test already shows distinct result that the higher valve of Mn/S makes lower crack sensitivity for Cr-Ni austenitic weld metal. In this study, the effect of Mn for the character of Sulphide in the molten metal, especially weld metal, is researched. The experimental results make reason about the effect of Mn for the hot-cracking of weld metal as follows. (1) In molten Cr-Ni austenitic weld metal, Mn has the highest affinity to S; Cr has intermediate affinity and Fe has the lowest one. (2) Therefore, the combination of Cr and S will form CrS in the Cr-Ni austenitic steel which contains less Mn or no additional Mn. (3) It is inferred that CrS is a principal reason for crack; because CrS is formed on the austenitic grain boundary as impurity chains which make inferrior combination of grain each other. (4) By addition of Mn to Cr-Ni austenitic weld metal, CrS reacts on Mn and forms MnS. This is eliminated from molten metal as slag.
- 社団法人溶接学会の論文
- 1961-07-25
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