- 論文の詳細を見る
Correction for the influence of room-scattered neutrons in irradiation rooms is essential in the case of calibrating neutron dosemeters. The ISO8529-2 recommends some correction method such as the shadow-cone method and the generalized-fit method for the calibration of neutron ambient dose equivalent (rate) meters. However, the ISO standard does not describe the correction methods for personal neutron dosemeters in detail. The authors investigated the variation of responses of neutron detectors mounted on phantom as a function of source-to-phantom distance, and discussed the applicability of the shadow-cone method and generalized-fit method for calibrating personal neutron dosemeters. The measurements were carried out using ^3He and hydrogen-filled proportional counters as surrogates of albedo and recoil-proton type dosemeters, respectively, at different distances ranging from 30 cm to 400cm. As a result, it was clarified that both correction methods are applicable for recoil-proton type detectors over any distance. Contrarily, for albedo-type detectors, the variation of response does not follow the curve predicted from the generalized fit method at distances smaller than 70 cm. This result strongly suggests that the correction for source-to-phantom geometry effect should be made for calibrating albedo-type detectors at smaller distances.
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