長崎県加津佐町の大屋層より得られた : 第 3 紀の化石蜻蛉類
- 論文の詳細を見る
Through the courtesy of Messrs. M. Inoue and K. Takahashi, Geological Institute, Kyushu University, we had an opportunity to study three dragonfly fossil wings obtained from the Oya-formation, Upper Pliocene, Kazusa in Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki Prefecture. The two wing fragments, which represent undoubtedly counter-parts of a single specimen, belong to the Gomphaeschna group in the family Aeschnidae. The details of the wing characters can be referred to a species of the genus Oligoaeschna, and very probably to recent Oligoaeschna pryeri Martin, which occurs widely in Japan, from Hokkaido to Kyushu. The Formosan O. pyanan Asahina and several other Oriental species of the same genus can be excluded from the identity. The individual variation of O. pryeri as shown by the wing characters is very slight and our fossil material seems to fall well within its species category. So far as we are aware there are descriptions of the wing of eleven extinct Tertiary Aeschnid dragonflies, i.e., Projagoria conjuncta Martynov, Lithaeschna needhami Cockerell, Morbaeschna muensteri Germar, Oplonaeschna separata Scudder, O. lapidaria Cockerell, "Aeschna" (=Oplonaeschna?) metis Heer, Aeschna solida Scudder, Triaeschna gossi Campion, Epacantha magnifica Martynov, Necracantha composita Martynov, and N. proxima Martynov. These are readily separated from our specimens by the character of wing venation. Another fossil wing specimen clearly belongs to the Calopterygidae. From the size, coloration, details of the longitudinal veins and cross veinlets it seems reasonable to identify it as recent Calopteryx atrata Selys. This species is a very common Calopterygid in the northeastern area of the Far East, ranging from Manchuria to Central China, and from North Japan to Northern Ryukyu Archipelago. According to Mr. Takahashi who studied the flora of the Oya-formation, which is considered to belong to the Upper Pliocene series, the climate of that age might be 4-5℃ lower in temperature than that of the present days. This supposition is not in conflict with our result, as the distribution of both the recent dragonfly species covers a broad area in the Far East.
- 日本昆虫学会の論文
- 1957-07-30
江崎 悌三
Entomological Laboratory Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
江崎 悌三
朝比奈 正二郎
江崎 悌三
Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
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