- 論文の詳細を見る
Calcium accumulation by the regenerating scales of the gold fish and the crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.) was investigated by the use of the radioactive isotope ^<45>Ca. In previous experiments, the writers (1961, 1962) observed that most of the body surface of these fishes is practically impermeable to the calcium ion except for some limited parts such as the gills and the fins, and that almost all of the ^<45>Ca found in the osseous tissues such as scales and bones is recognizable as that which is mainly taken up across the gills or fins from the environmental medium and distributed by the blood system. In the present investigation, the writers carried out two kinds of experiments. In the first experiment, all the scales on the second row above the lateral line were removed in an operation. After the operation, the fishes were kept in an aquarium for 10, 20, or 30 days after which each fish was transferred for 6 hours to 1/100 artificial sea water containing ^<45>Ca of 10 μc/l to let it take up the isotope from the surrounding water. In the second experiment, two or three scales were successively removed every 4 (or 2) days from each fish. In this case various stages of scale regeneration on a single individual could be observed. Fig. 3 shows autoradiographs which indicate the relation between the ^<45>Ca accumulation and the stages of regeneration (each figure in the photographs represents the number of days after operation). Two days after the last operation, the fishes were transferred for 3 hours to the same isotopic water as mentioned above. The temperature of the aquarium was kept at 20℃ ± 1℃ in all experiments. The results obtained are as follows: 1. In the very early stage of scale rageneration, both the ^<45>Ca accumulation and the ridge formation are not recognizable. 2. The ^<45>Ca accumulation is observed for the first time to take place 8 days after the operation. At the same time 1 or 2 ridges appear in the peripheral area of the scale. 3. The ^<45>Ca accumulation in the scales rapidly increases at the 10-day stage. In scales at the 16-day stage, the rate of accumulation reaches maximum and the number of ridges formed becomes 7 or 8. In 20-day scales, the rate of ^<45>Ca accumulation decreases more or less and the ridges increase in number. In 30-day scales, the decrease in rate of ^<45>Ca accumulation becomes much more remarkable and a large number of ridges is formed, resulting in a remarkable reduction of the focal area. 4. In the early stage of scale regeneration, the ^<45>Ca accumulation is observed to occur uniformly in the whole area, but in the 30-day scales ^<45>Ca accumulation occurs more actively in the exposed part than in the covered part of the scale. 5. The regenerated scales in the central part of the body are obviously larger in size compared with those in the terminal parts, but the rate of regeneration seems to be the same in all.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1962-08-15
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