Adoxus obscurus(LINNE)
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Key to the forms of Adoxus obscurus 1(2) Vertex with a longitudinal impression, antennae black with basal three segments reddish brown except the 1st one usually piceous above, dorsal surface of body covered with greyish adpressed hairs……Adoxus obscurus japonicus subsp. nov. 2(1) Vertex without such a longitudinal impression, antennae black or piceous with basal four segments yellowish or reddish brown 3(6) Body almost entirely black 4(5) Dorsal surface of body covered with greyish hairs……Adoxus obscurus obscurus (LINNE), typical form 5(4) Dorsal surface of body covered with yellowish or brownish hairs ……A. obscurus obscurus (L.) f. weisei HEYD. 6(3) Body black with elytra (sometimes also tibiae) yellowish brown 7(8) Dorsal surface covered with greyish hairs, tibiae more or less yellowish brown ……A. obscurus obscurus (L.) f. epilobii WEISE 8(7) Dorsal surface of body covered with yellowish or brownish hairs 9(10) Legs almost entirely black……A. obscurus obscurus (L.) f. lewisi WEISE 10(9) Tibiae more or less yellowish brown……A. obscurus obscurus (L.) f. villosulus SCHRANK (=A. obscurus (L.) var. concinnus WEISE syn. nov) 1. Adoxus obscurus obscurus (LINNE) Chrysomela obscura LINNE, Syst Nat. X, p. 275 (1758). Specimens examined (containing some forms belonging to the nominate subspecies): 1 ex., Jozankei, Hokkaido, Japan, 19-VII-1955, M. Ohno leg.; 1 ex., Kawayu, Hokkaido, 26-VII-1955, M. Ohno leg.; 24 exs., Otasuno-mori, Saghalien, 23-25-VII-1938, D. Matusita leg.; 9 exs., Toyohara, Saghalien, 8-15-VII-1938, D. Matusita leg. Distribution: Europe, Siberia, Saghalien, Korea, Japan (Hokkaido). Food-plant: Epilobium angustifolium LINNE (Oenotheraceae). 2. Adoxus obscurus japonicus subsp. nov. Body oblong, rather closely covered with silky adpressed hairs, colour almost entirely black with tarsi and apical parts of tibiae sometimes piceous, and basal 3 segments of antennae reddish brown except the 1st one generally piceous above. Head with vertex rather strongly convex and impressed with a deep longitudinal depression, and closely covered with large hair-bearing punctures, of which hairs generally directing posteriorly, interspaces of these punctures rather distinctly granulate; clypeus not prominent. Antennae subfiliform, about a half as long as body; 1st joint thickened, 2nd of similar in its shape to preceding one but much smaller than that, 3rd elongate and subequal in length to 2nd, 4th distinctly longer than 3rd but nearly equal in length to 5th, 6th somewhat shorter than preceding one and subequal in length to 8th, from 7th to 10th each somewhat thickened and equal in length to each others (except the 7th slightly longer than each of others) and closely covered with extremely fine pubescence, 11th also thickened but acuminated at apex and slightly longer than preceding one. Pronotum subcylindlical, a little broader than long, the sides rather strongly rounded, immarginated in front and also at sides; disk transversely convex and strongly and closely punctate on the whole surface, the punctures each bearing a silky adpressed hair, interstices of these punctures rather distinctly granulated. Scutellum subquadrate in outline, nearly parallel-sided or very slightly narrowed posteriorly, with the hind margin somewhat subtriangularly produced behind; the surface covered with hair-bearing punctures except the portion along the posterior margin, interspaces of these punctures feebly granulate. Elytra roundish, broader at the base than prothorax, narrowed posteriorly with a curvature, and rounded at apex as a whole but the apex of each elytron very feebly truncated at the angle part; dorsal surface strongly convex with humeri prominent and the basilar area of each elytron feebly elevated by the presence of an oblique postbasal depression; the surface of elytron closely and irregularly covered with hair-bearing punctures and with the traces of eleven longitudinal depressions including a scutellar and an extreme marginal on
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
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