両棲類の重複畸形の研究 : I. ヒキガエル卵の蓚酸カリウム処理によるヂエリー除去と重複胚の形成
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Amphibian double embryos are able to be produced by many treatments, such as by inverting at 2 cell stage, constricting at 2 cell stage or even at the later stage, centrifuging before the beginning of the first cleavage, etc. The aim of the present study was to remove the jelly capsule of the egg by potassium oxalate and to observe the effects of potassium oxalate on the egg. The material used was the egg of the toad, Bufo vulgaris formosus (Boulenger). The jelly capsule of the egg could be removed in potassium oxalate solution. Calcium in the jelly capsule was precipitated as calcium oxalate, then the capsule being dissolved in water. Those eggs which were thus treated at the cleavage stage underwent the almost normal development without jelly capsule, whereas those treated as described above at the blastula and gastrula stages produced many double embryos (cf. Table 1). Each double embryo had two spinal cords and two notochords, which were all parallel from the head region to the caudal. The right side cord or notochord had the same size as the left one. Some double embryos had a couple of hearts and guts (cf. Figs 1-2). These double embryos were thought to develop under the effect of the organizers which were divided into two equal parts. Some embryos at neural stage developed spina bifida by treatment with potassium oxalate. Each bar like spinal cord was caused by the prevention of forming the neural tube (cf. Fig 2).
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1958-03-15
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- 両棲類の重複畸形の研究 : I. ヒキガエル卵の蓚酸カリウム処理によるヂエリー除去と重複胚の形成
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