- 論文の詳細を見る
1. Green oysters are met with rather frequently in the sea near Mukaishima. This fact led the author to attempt several experiments for the explanation of its origin. When a pore is drilled on the shell of the oyster, a film composed of an assemblage of the green granular amoebocytes is formed just below the pore after a week, while the pore of shell, after a month, is also covered with a thin, dark brown, calcareous film, the pigment of which may be derived from that of amoebocytes beneath. 2. From the solubility and stainability of the granules in amoebocytes, two kinds of fatty substance are detected, namely (a) a Nile-blue stainable subsance which is responsible for the green pigment, and (b) a Sudan-III stainable substance, as shown in the table. 3. The Nile-blue stainable substance is found to be a pyrrole derivative from the following facts; it shows green fluorescence in ultraviolet light, a positive diazo-reaction, positive pyrrole reaction, a great affinity with silver and lead, and a remarkable reducing ability. 4. The copper reaction of the granules is positve by the reagents of potassium ferrocyanide, hydrogen sulphide, o-tolidin-rhodanide and haematoxylin, at various degrees of intensity, and it is supposed that the copper is contained along with the pyrrole substance of the granule. 5. Also it is found that blue shades of amoebocytes are proportional to the quantity of copper contained in the granules, while the granules which is negative to copper reaction is yellowish. 6. Although I have failed to trace the origin of the granule, the copper and pyrrole substances may perhaps, from many facts, be secreted at least in the physiological condition, not to be assigned to absorbed substances such as the copper absorbed by fatty acid of the granule or the chlorophyll by the phagocytic ability of the amoebocyte, and have something of the physiological correlation with the conchiolin secretion of the oyster's shell.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1951-07-15
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