魚類のSaccus vasculosusの纎維結合に就て
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It has already been made clear by some authors as BOEKE (1901), JOHNSTON (1902, 1906), DAMMERMAN (1910) and others that there are three sorts of fiber-tracts which the saccus vasculosus of the fish sends out or receives; that is, tractus sacco-thalamicus and tranctus tubero-posterior as the efferent tracts, and tractus thalamo-saccularis as the afferent one. As for the origin or termination of these tracts however, concrete informations can hardly be got from the works of the previous investigators. In the present investigations I have made some studies on this subject, using three species of selachian and eight species of teleostean fishes as the material. The results obtained may be summarized as follows; 1) The neuritic processes of the sense cells of the saccus vasculosus extend anteriorly gathering into a bundle called tractus sacci vasculosi, to make a primary connection with the ganglion sacci vasculosi which is situated in the substance of the tuberculum posterius. From this ganglion arise the two secondary fiber-tracts, namely tractus saccothalamicus and tractus tubero-posterior. 2) The tractus sacco-thalamicus extends antero-dorsad to reach the nucleus lateralis thalami ventralis. In some specimens, however, a suggestion was given that a small number of fibers which pass over this nucleus enter the ganglion habenulae, running upwards throuth or along the fasciculus retroflexus. 3) The tractus tubero-posterior is, after running posteriorly in some distance, for the most part intermingled with the tractus tecto-cerebellaris. But some fibers from it could be traced directly towards the nucleus profundus mesencephali and also, often, towards the pars macrocellularis of the ganglion isthmi; thus the existence of fiber connection between these brain portions and the saccus vasculosus may naturally be suspected. 4) The tractus thalamo-saccularis takes origin, as a branch of the tractus praethalamohypothalamicus, from the nucleus magnocellularis praeopticus. 5) Some theoretical considerations were made as regards the problems of the morphology as well as the function of the saccus vasculosus with special reference to (1) the probable fiber-connection fo this organ with the ganglion habenulae and ganglion isthmi, to (2) the fact demonstrated recently by some investigators (SPEIDEL 1922; SCHARRER 1932, 1933; et al) that ganglion cells of endocrine nature exist in both the tuberculum posterius and the nucleus magnocellularis praeopticus in fishes, and also to (3) the relations between the saccus vasculosus and the Weberian apparatus which is a chain of bones connecting the air-bladder with the auditory organ and the function of which is concerned probably with the sense of hydrostatic pressure.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1938-05-15
- 遺傳に及ぼす超音波の影響(I) : 黒猩々蠅に於ける痕跡翅の發生
- シャラー著, 懸田克躬譯, 腦髓の構造と機能, 昭和16年4月, 創元社發行, 225頁, 定價1.80圓
- 魚類のSaccus vasculosusの纎維結合に就て
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- S.R. DETWILER, Neuroembryology : An Experimental Study., New York, Macmillian Company, 218pp., 1936
- ERNST SCHARRER, Vom Bau und Leben des Gehirns., Berlin, Julius Springer, 169 pp., 1936.
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