日本及び其近海から記録された 海蜘蛛類の種名目録
- 論文の詳細を見る
Pycnogonids so far recorded from Japanese and adjacent waters, including the Chinese and Siberian coasts, are listed here. The list comprises 34 species and 3 varieties, besides 4 forms which are indeterminable due either to defective or young state of specimens. Most of the species here enumerated are undoubtedly those found rather frequently in our waters, but it is also true that a good deal of common forms still remain unrecorded. The writer keeps at his disposal an extensive collection of specimens that have been accumulated for the past ten years. It is expected that a future study of those specimens will make the size of the list more than double as it is at present.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1936-10-15
- 再び淺虫産シロナマコの學名について
- 九州に於けるアメリカザリガニの分布及びその發生に關する二三の問題について
- XXVII. 鶏の卵黄シンチヽウムの培養
- ホソワラジムシ雌雄性(豫報)
- カヒヤドリウミグモに於ける珍しい異常肢の1例
- 故理學博士池田隼人君
- 熊さんの壯年の頃, その他
- 海星及び海膽に於ける極めて珍奇な異常輻の例
- H. A. F. GOHAR, The preservation of contractile marine animals in an expanded condition, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., Vol. 22, No. 1. 1938.
- Douglas P. WILSON, The influence of the substratum on the metamorphosis of Notomastus larvae, J. Mar. Biol. Ass., Vol. 12, No. 1, 1938.