- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present paper the writer has enumerated fourteen species which belong to three genera of the Chrysopidae as occurring in the northern Nippon, viz. Hokkaido, Chishima (Kuriles), and karafuto (Southern Saghalien). Of them one species is described as new to science under the name of Chrysopa kichijoi. The diagnosis of it is as follows: Probably yellowish green in life. Genae and clypeus with a broad brownish black band at each side, from the eye to the mouth, leaving a round mark of the ground color on the clypeal portion. Apical three segments of maxillary palpi brownish black; labial palpi yellowish brown. Antenna a little longer than fore wing, yellowish, becoming brownish towards apex. Prothorax broader than long, front angles truncate, with a deep transverse depression beyond the dorsal middle; a large black triangular patch along the front margin and blackish suffusion along the hind margin; meso-praescutum also infuscated at the front. legs pale; tarsi and claws rather brownish. Wings hyaline. In fore wing, longitudinal veins pale, except the basal parts of Rs and several branches from Rs, inner gradate veinlets. and majority of cross-veins which are dark brown. Venation of hind wing entirely pale. First cross-veins from Rs in fore wing touching Psm within basal cell of median fork. The two series of gradate veinlets regularly placed, number of which being 5-6/6 (inner row/outer row) in fore wing and 3/6-7 in hind wing. Pterostigma opaque and prominent, lacking cross-veins. Anal plate rather elongate, as long as the apex of abdomen. Length of body Smm; that of antenna 12mm; that of fore wing 11mm; that of hind wing 10mm. This peculiar species somewhat resembles Ch. parabola OKAMOTO, from which, however, it is easily distinguishable by the coloration of palpi, marks of head and tborax, and venation of wings. Holotype, a male, collected by H.KICHIJO, after whom the species is named, at Sapporo, Hokkaido, on July 22, 1933. The type is deposited with the Hokkaido Agricultural Experiment Station.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1936-10-15
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