比律賓産蝶類標本に就て : 分布, 變異, 二型
- 論文の詳細を見る
The author enumerates 42 species of the butterflies from Philippine Islands. Among them one species, Papilio polytes L., presents us with peculiarities of high interest. The females present remarkable variations in colourmarkings, especially in the ventral surface of the wings, but not in the form of them. having a long tail-shaped appendage on each of the hind wings. And there were two male specimens, in which the hind wings are rounded, with scalloped edges, and entirely lacking the tail-shaped appendage, as shown in the accompanying photograph (Plate XXI), and they were once supposed to form a distinct species, or at least a kind of dimorphism. But in comparing them with the male specimen, recently got from Sumatra Island, which has a short tail-shaped appendage on each of its hind wings, the author gives the conclusion that the forms of the hind wings in the male of Papilio polytes L. vary from a rounded one, with scalloped edges, to the one which has a long tail-shaped appendage.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1936-10-15
- 比律賓産蝶類標本に就て : 分布, 變異, 二型
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