カマツカ(Pseudogobio esocinus)に寄生する1新吸蟲Steganoderma kamatukaeに就て
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Steganoderma kamatukae nov. sp. Body 1.05 to 1.43mm long, 0.36 to 0.48mm broad. Integument of the anterior part of body spiny. Acetabulum one third of body length from cephalic end, larger than oral sucker, 0.13-0.18mm in diameter. Oral sucker subterminal, 0.11-0.14mm in diameter; pharynx small, 0.05mm in diameter; prepharynx and esophagus present. Caeca short, terminating at the middle level of body. Genital pore lateral, about at the central level of acetabulum. Male organs: Testes more of less elliptical, lying symmetrically at the junction of the middle and last thirds of body. Cirrus pouch muscular, behind the acetabulum. Vesicula seminis large, bibulbous; pars prostatica undifferentiated; cirrus protrusile. Female organs: Ovary heart-shaped, median, in front of testes. Uterine coils compact, between the genital pore and the posterior end of body. Vitellaria consist of an elongated aggregation of globular follicles, lateral, extending from acetabulum to the end of caeca. Uterine egg ovoid, yellow, 0.031-0.034mm by 0.02-0.021mm. Habitat-Intestine of Pseudogobio esocinus (TEMMINCK & SCHLEGEL). Locality-Lake Biwa, Japan. This species differs from known species in the position of the genital pore and cirrus pouch.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1936-10-15