海洋の物質循環における微生物機能 (1996年度日本海洋学会賞受賞記念講演)
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Marine microorganisms transform a wide variety of organic compounds in the way as follows: Firstly, the turnover times of easily metabolizable constituents have been shown to be less than a few days in hypereutrophic waters, a few days in eutrophic waters, between a few days and several tens of days in mesotrophic waters, and several tens of days in the surface layer of oligotrophic waters. Secondly, the turnover times of moderately resistant constituents have been shown to be between several days and several tens of days in hypereutrophic waters, between several tens of days and several months in eutrophic waters, several months in mesotrophic waters, and a few years in the surface layer of oligotrophic waters. Finally, the decomposition rates of most refractory constituents of organic materials are regulating the outside cycling rim of turnover of biological elements as a whole; i. e., the turnover times of refractory constituents, both in dissolved and particulate form, have been shown to be between half a year and one year in hypereutrophic waters, several years in eutrophic waters, several tens of years in mesotrophic waters, and between several tens of years and hundreds of years in the surface layer of oligotrophic waters, and possibly several thousands of years in the deep layer of oligotrophic waters.
- 日本海洋学会の論文
- 1996-06-30
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- 海洋の物質循環における微生物機能 (1996年度日本海洋学会賞受賞記念講演)
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