- 論文の詳細を見る
An electron microscopic study of the ovarian wall and oviduct in the Medaka (Oryzias latipes) was undertaken in order to elucidate mechanism of oviposition. During the breeding season of the fish, the whole ovary and oviduct were fixed immediately after removal with glutalaldehyde and osmium-tetroxide. After dehydration the tissues were embedded in epon mixture, sectioned with a LKB ultratom and studied with Hitachi electron microscope. The ovarian wall consisted of three layers (about 120μ in thickness). The epithelial cells of the internal layer possessed microvilli on its surface facing to the ovarian lumen. Smooth muscle cells were in the middle layer. It wes consisted of an inner layer of smooth muscle cells running in parallel with the body axis and an outer layer of cells with circular arrangement. The large granules were accumlated in the cells of the outer layer. The lumen of the oviduct was lined with an epithelial cell layer which was bounded on fibrillar connective tissue by the basement membrane. The extracellular matrix of the connective tissue were filled with collagenous fibers. In these layers the synaptic nerve endings containing granulated vesicles of about 850A in diameter were found.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1971-06-15
- ウマヅラハギの卵膜形成(発生学)
- ウマヅラハギの卵膜形成(発生学)
- マダイの卵膜形成(形態学)
- メダカ卵巣腔壁形成にともなう左右原基間の隔壁の消失(発生学)
- メダカの卵巣腔壁および輸卵管壁の電子顕微鏡的観察
- アセチルコリン, ヒスタミン等によるメダカの放卵(発生)
- メダカの卵巣腔壁および輸卵管壁の電子顕微鏡的観察(発生)
- メダカの卵巣運動について(発生・内分泌)
- メダカ産卵の時間的経過と要因
- メダカの産卵刺激:接触時間について(発生・実験形態)
- ダンゴムシに於ける歩脚の移植(全分科)
- メダカにおける産卵刺激の経路(予報)(生態・心理)