An Efficient Interpolation Attack(Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security)
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We introduce an efficient interpolation attack which gives the tighter upper bound of the complexity and the number of pairs of plaintexts and ciphertexts required for the attack.In the previously known interpolation attack there is a problem in that the required complexity for the attack can be overestimated.We solve this problem by first, finding the actual number of coefficients in the polynomial used in the attack by using a computer algebra system, and second, by finding the polynomial with fewer coefficients by choosing the plaintexts.We apply this interpolation attack to the block cipher SNAKE and succeeded in attacking many ciphers in the SNAKE family.When we evaluate the resistance of a block cipher to interpolation attack, it is necessary to apply the interpolation attack described in this paper.
- 2000-01-25
NTT Laboratories
Moriai S
Nippon Telegraph And Telephone Corp. Yokosuka‐shi Jpn
Kaneko Toshinobu
Science University of Tokyo
Shimoyama T
Fujitsu Lab. Ltd. Kawasaki‐shi Jpn
Kaneko T
Sci. Univ. Tokyo Chiba Jpn
Kaneko T
Tokyo Univ. Sci. Noda‐shi Jpn
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