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Neuropathy with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and POEMS syndrome are well-known peripheral neuropathy in association with M proteinemia. Optimal treatment of these disorders has not been established. I report a case of neuropathy with MGUS and two cases of POEMS syndrome treated by double-filtrated plasmapheresis (DFPP). Pharmacological treatment with corticosteroid was associated to DFPP after the first cycle. Weakness and sensory disturbance were improved in all caes. No relapse was observed in the case of neuropthy with MGUS and one case of POEMS syndrome. But in one case of POEMS syndrome, relapse occurred and the patient died 5 years after the first DFPP treatment. I review the efficacy of apheresis for peripheral neuropathy associated with M proteinemia. It is suspected that DFPP is a beneficial treatment for neuropathy with MGUS and POEMS syndrome.
- 日本アフェレシス学会の論文
- 1999-06-30
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