- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposes of this study are to investigate how the buttoning positions of blouses affect body movement of healthy persons while putting on and taking off blouses, and how they are related to the level of comfort while wearing the blouses. In the experiment, four types of blouses with different buttoning positions are used; namely, front-center (right overlap) (A), front-center (left overlap) (B),front-center neckline placket (right overlap) (C), and back-center (right overlap) (D). The subjects were thirty-two healthy female university students, each of whom wore four types of blouses. The subjects were videotaped while putting on and taking off the blouses. Each subject was then required to answer a sensory evaluation sheet consisting of twenty-two items using the SD method, as well as a rank-order method as a holistic evaluation of comfort levels. The results were as follows: l) The characteristics of movernent processes of putting on and taking off each type of blouse were extracted and were shown in different figures. 2) Almost all subjects used both hands for buttoning. However, a few used the hand at the same side as the under lapping for unbuttoning. 3) With regard to required time for each movement, a significant difference was found among the different types of openings. While putting on blousces, type C needed the least time, while type D required twice as much time as the other types. When taking off blouses, no significant difference was found among A, B, and C, while there was a significant difference between D and others. Also, D required less than half the time when taking off a blouse than when putting one on. 4) In a sernsory evaluation using the SD method, A scored higher than B in areas such as "kinareta," "sumuuzuna," "tomeyasui," "iwakannonai," and" kiyasui." This is probably because the different buttoning positions, namely, different overlaps produced different images from the subjects. Next, C scored higher than other types in the "casual" area. Last, in the holistic evaltration with the rank-order method, the types were ordered as follows: A, C, B, and D.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 2000-01-15
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