高齢期の配偶者との関係性ステイタスと孤独感 : モラールとの関連性
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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the marital relatedness status and the loneliness in the old age. A questionnaire of the loneliness scale (LSD), P.G.C. Morale Scale, and the marital relatedness status SCT were administered to 166 elderly people (86 males and 80 females) LSD consists of two subscales, U-scale (to measure mutual sympathy), and E-scale (to measure awareness of individuality). Subjects were classified into six statuses (by Utsunomiya, 1996), and Relatedness Achiever and Superficial Relatedness were compared in terms of dyadic adjustment. On the above scales, the pattern of correlation between self and spouse varied by status. Based on this result, the meaning of loneliness in marital life was discussed.
- 1999-01-15
論文 | ランダム
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