成人女子の入浴が生理反応ならびに感覚量に及ぼす影響 (第2報) : 出浴後の処置と着衣の効果
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In the previous paper, we examined effects on physiological responses, the sensory rate and the relation to "yuzame" of conditions of clothing and so on after bathing for 10 min in healthy females in summer. The conditions were C_0 (put on clothes at once), C_20 (put on clothes at 20 min), N_d (nude after wiping up) and N_w (nude after not wiping up). The results were summarized as follows : The nude condition (N_d, N_w) were greater than the clothing conditions (C_0, C_20) on the decrease rate of T^^-_s. The thermal sensation of the nude conditions were slightly cool. We confirmed it made faster "yuzame". Particularly N_w tended to make faster "yuzame" than N_d. The comfort sensation of C_0 was slightly uncomfortable at once after clothing. T^^-_s of C_20 decreased until 20 min after bathing on the clothing conditions, but returned toward the previous levels at 60 min as well as C_0. In the case of bathing for 10 min on daily life in summer, we consider that we can maintain the comfortable condition, if we wipe up carefully and remove the heat and then put on the fit clothes within 20 min after bathing.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1995-02-15
藤村 明子
藤村 明子
大野 静枝
松田 宜美子
元 共栄学園短期大学
大野 静枝
大野 静枝
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