- 論文の詳細を見る
The wearing tests for 15 different samples were performed with 10 female subjects to investigate the factors of general comfort sensation of panty hose. The sensory evaluation in wearing condition and the mechanical properties of the materials were measured and analyzed. Further-more, the clothing pressure of the panty hose were measured by a modified air bag system. The results were obtained as follows. 1) The general comfort sensation of panty hose correlated with the sensation of movability(r=0.702), smoothness(r=0.612) and softness(r=0.474). 2) The softness, movability and smoothness sensation of the panty hose related respectively to the LC value of compression, the value of tensile force and the MMD value of the mechanical properties of the materials. 3) The general comfort sensation did not correlate with the sense of compression. It was not better when the sense of compression was high but also when it was low. The comfortable hose was at a proper pressure level on the leg. 4) The level of comfortable pressure of panty hose was approximately 5, 7 and 10 gf/cm^2 on the front thigh, the back lower leg and the ankle, respectively. Reliability of these figures were coincident with that by the calculated pressure values.
- 1994-04-15
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