夫は妻の育児感情をどう認識しているか(第2報) : 夫は妻の育児感情をどう受けとめているか
- 論文の詳細を見る
When the wife (mother) consults with her husband (father) about her nervous feelings towards the childcare, what attitude does the husband (father) take? Are the feelings of the wife (mother) affected by his attitude? The questionnaire was sent to 340 families in order to examine above two points. Main results are as follows. 1) The wives (mothers) report that the half of their husbands (fathers) get displeased when they are consulted by their wives (mothers). 2) The husbands (fathers) report that they reply to the wive's (mother's) consultaiton. 3) There are a large gap between the wives' (mothers') reports and the husbands' (fathers') ones. 4) The wives (mothers) of "displeased husbands (fathers)" group bear strongly nervous feelings towards the childcare compared with the wives (mothers) of "not-displeased husbands(fathers)" group.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1994-11-15
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- 夫は妻の育児感情をどう認識しているか(第2報) : 夫は妻の育児感情をどう受けとめているか
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