明治後期小学校男子教師の服制について : 兵庫県の事例を中心にして
- 論文の詳細を見る
On January l0, 1895, the uniform regulation for male elementary school teachers was promulgated by the ordinance of Hyogo Prefecture. It included only the principals and regular teachers who made up one third of all the teachers at the elementary schools. The similar uniform regulation came into effect in some other prefectures such as Fukushima Prefecture and Niigata Prefecture. The uniforms consisted of a jacket and trousers. The de-signs of the jacket were almost the same as the ones adopted by Hyogo Prefectute, which had a stand collar, trimming braids, hooks and eyes in front opening and slits at the bottom. Thus, it Can be considered that the adoption of the uniform regulation showed the following: (1) Considering the fact that the uniforms adopted by the prefectures were a kind of Western clothes, the male teachers' wearing Western-style uniform helped to promote the Westernization policy taken by the government. (2) The designs of the uniforms adopted by these prefectures were almost the same. It may suggest that the prefectural leaders at that time were more conscious of the new integrated government than of the old feudal government consisting of the feudal domains replaced by the prefecture. (3) The origin of the designs of elementary school teachers' uniform was the uniform of the professors at the teacher's college, "Shihan Gakko." Their uniform was originally designed based on the military uniform which was also ordered by the uniform regulation. Therefore the uniforms for male elementary school teachers adopted by the ordinance must have played some role in Creating the militaristic atmosphere at the elementary schools.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
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