Synaptic interaction between parvicellular adrenergic neurons and substance P-ergic axons in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius of the rat
Kawai Yoshinori
1st Department Of Anatomy Osaka City University Medical Schcool
Inagaki Shinobu
1st Department Of Anatomy Osaka City University Medical Schcool
SHIMADA Shouichi
1st Department of Anatomy, Osaka City University Medical Schcool
Shimada Shouichi
1st Department Of Anatomy Osaka City University Medical Schcool
Inagaki Shinobu
1st Department Of Anatomy Osaka City University Med. Sch
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- Experimental analysis of the fiber connection of the peptidergic systems in the central nervous system of the rat. I.
- Distribution of somatostatin in the rat central nervous system. I. Ontogenical aspects.
- Regional distribution of somatostatin in the avian central nervous system.
- Distribution of somatostatin in the fish brain (Carp)
- Distribution of somatostatin in the frog brain, Rana catesbiana.
- Morphological study on neuropeptides in the rat spinal cord (I)
- Ontogeny of the enkephalinergic neuron system in the rat lower brain stem
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- Ontogeny of the substance P neuron system in the rat lower brain stem
- Distribution of substance P in the frog brain, Rana catesbiana.
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- Distribution of substance P in the fish (Carp)
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- Distribution and Fine Structures of Neuropeptide Y Immunoreactive Neurons in the Rat Claustrum
- Synaptic interaction between parvicellular adrenergic neurons and substance P-ergic axons in the nucleus of the tractus solitarius of the rat
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