Cytochemical Study in Cartilagenous Tumors : Alkaline phosphatase-polysaccharide
Mizuhira Vinci
Dept. Anatomy And Cell Biology Tokyo Medical And Dental University.
Shinji Yuji
Dept. Of Cell Biology Med. Res. Inst. Tokyo Med. & Dent. Univ.
Mizuhira Vinci
Dept. Of Cell Biology Med. Res. Inst. Tokyo Med. & Dent. Univ.
Hachisuka Yoshio
Dept. Of Cell Biology Med. Res. Inst. Tokyo Med. & Dent. Univ.
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- Polysaccharide staining of rat submandibular glands.
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- Cytochemical Study in Cartilagenous Tumors : Alkaline phosphatase-polysaccharide