円形ピストン音源付近の音場(第1報) : 音場の映像
- 論文の詳細を見る
A simple method for the visualization of ultrasonic fields is described, which requires no special material except conventional photographic paper and developer. A transducer was set in a tank filled with a dilute solution of photographic developer. A sheet of photographic paper previously exposed to light uniformly was supported in the liquid and irradiated ultrasonically. After 1 minute or so, the darkened diffracion pattern appeared gradually on the paper. Then, the paper was fixed in the usual manner. The pattern obtained by using the circular piston-like source consists of concentric circles, the radii and the number of these circles varying regularly with the distrance between the paper and the transducer. The appearance of these diffraction patterns can be explained by applying the method of the Fresnel's zones, known in physical optics, to sound diffraction problems. A detailed theoretical calculation of the sound field near the source will be described in the next paper.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1957-06-30
- 研究速報 : 超音波線引き加工の基礎的研究(1)
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- 円形ピストン音源付近の音場(第1報) : 音場の映像
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- 19C1. 超音波音場の新しい映像法
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- 重疊超音波による光の回折と音波の映像-1〜3-
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