Evolution of vowel production studies and observation techniques(<Tutorial Issue> THE VOWEL : From Chiba and Kajiyama to current issues)
- A bone-conduction system for auditory stimulation in MRI
- Exploring Human Speech Production Mechanisms by MRI(Speech Dynamics by Ear, Eye, Mouth and Machine)
- Difference in vocal tract shape between upright and supine postures : Observations by an open-type MRI scanner
- MRI同期サンプル法による音声生成の研究
- A physiological articulatory model for simulating speech production process
- Investigation of coarticulation in continuous speech of Japanese
- An experimental study of acoustic characteristics of hypopharyngeal cavities using vocal tract solid models
- Evolution of vowel production studies and observation techniques( THE VOWEL : From Chiba and Kajiyama to current issues)
- Individual variation of the hypopharyngeal cavities and its acoustic effects
- A method of tooth superimposition on MRI data for accurate measurement of vocal tract shape and dimensions