Report on the International Symposium on Active Control of Sound and Vibration, in Tokyo
- Loudness and noisiness of a repeated impact sound : Results of round robin tests in Japan(II)
- Evaluation of the loudness of impulsive sounds using sound exposure level based on the results of a round robin test in Japan
- Sound field simulation for stage acoustics using 6-channel system
- 演奏者に対する初期反射音の効果に関する基礎実験
- 心理音響学に基づく床衝撃音評価方法の研究
- Acoustic survey of auditoriums in Europe and Japan
- Sound field simulation method by combining finite difference time domain calculation and multi-channel reproduction technique
- 6-channel recording/reproduction system for 3-dimensional auralization of sound fields
- Visualization of sound propagation and scattering in rooms
- A sound field simulation system for the study of ensemble performance on a concert hall stage
- Scale model experiment on room acoustics by hybrid simulation technique
- Correctioon for the effect atomspheric sound absorption on the sound absorption coefficients of materials measured in a reverberation room
- Basic study on active noise barrier
- Report on the International Symposium on Active Control of Sound and Vibration, in Tokyo
- Experimental study on the evaluation of stage acoustics by musicians using a 6-channel sound simulation system
- Visualization of sound reflection and diffraction using finite difference time domain method
- A new method of measuring normal incident sound absorption characteristics of materials using acoustic tube
- Noise source identification on rolling tires by sound intensity measurement
- Definition and measurement of sound energy level of a transient sound source
- Sound power levels of road vehicles measured by a new method using a reverberant tunnel
- Effects of room shape and diffusing treatment on the measurement of sound absorption coefficient in a reverberation room
- Difference in acoustic effect of sound diffusers due to room shapes
- Numerical study on sound absorption characteristics of resonance-type brick/block walls