急性尿管閉塞に伴う上部尿路の病態生理学的変動の研究 : 胸管リンパ流および腎静脈血流に対する影響
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The right kidney was removed from each dog; the ureter was obstructed on the left to elevate the intrapelvic pressure; and the alterations that then occurred in the thoracic duct lymph flow and the renal venous blood How were followed up. At the same time, various isotopes were injected into the renal pelvis; and the ureter was obstructed, to follow up the behaviors of the isotopes in the thoracic duct lymph and the renal venous blood; and the followings were found: I. Alterations in the Thoracic Duct Lymph Flow 1. The obstruction of the ureter was followed by a gradually increased thoracic duct lymph flow; the Bow came to a plateau at about its maximum, and then tended to gradually decrease. 2. In the dogs with the urine How of not less than 0.17 ml/5 min/kg before the obstruction, there was a correlation between the urine flow and the rate of increase in the thoracic duct lymph How after the obstruction of the ureter (Table 1). 3. The obstruction of the ureter was first followed by an increased intrapelvic pressure, and then by an increased thoracic duct lymph flow; the pressure and the lymph How then showed a similar pattern of increase to each other; the lymph How came to a plateau in 79% of the experimental animals with the intrapelvic pressure of not less than 50 mm Hg, and then tended to gradually decrease. From the findings presented in 1, 2 and 3 above, it may be presumed that the thoracic duct lymph flow after the obstruction of the ureter is affected by the urine flow before the obstruction and the intrapelvic pressure after the obstruction.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
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- 興味ある症例供覧 : 第46回信州地方会
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- 症例報告 : 第48回信州地方会
- ウログラム供覧 : 第47回信州地方会