Brain Bladderについての研究 : 第1編 主として水俣病患者および実験的水俣病家兎についての研究
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Minamata disease which broke out on the coast of Minamata, a southern city in Japan, from 1955 to 1959, was a disorder of the central nervous system. It was proved that the cause of this disease was methyl mercuric compound which was taken from fishes or shellfishes contaminated by an effluent from a chemical plant. There have been many clinical and pathological reports on this disease. However, up to today, there have been no observations on the function of the urinary tract in this disease. The purpose of the present report is to research into the renal and vesical functions in Minamata disease. Examinations were made in 33 cases of Minamata disease, including neurological examination, electroencephalography, renal clearance test, PSP test, Fishberg's concentration test, blood chemistry, urine examination, IVP, cystography and cystometry. As controls, renal function and cystometrogram in 15 rabbits of ethyl mercuric phosphate poisoning and cystometrogram in 21 cases of brain diseases were studied. The following results were obtained. 1) Neurological examination and electroencephalography revealed that, the chiefly disturbed portions in Minamata disease were the cerebral cortex and cerebellum. In the cerebral cortex, the chief lesions involved covered Sulcus calcalinus and Gyrus centralis in adult cases. In children, especially in congenital cases, involvement is extended wider to the frontal lobe. 2) A majority of cases of Minamata disease showed normal renal function, while some showed moderate disturbance of RPF and proximal tubular function. 3) Hypertonic small bladder was observed in 4 of 14 adult cases of Minamata disease, in 5 of 7 child cases and in 11 of 12 congenital cases. On the other hand, 3 of 14 adult cases showed a normotonic or hypotonic large bladder. Efficiency of micturition was generally good. Urinary incontinence was observed in only 3 congenital cases. 4) Six rabbits which were given 2 mg per kg of body weight of ethyl mercuric phosphate every other day developed moderate disturbance of renal function ; and 9 rabbits, which were given 4 mg per kg of body weight every day showed severe disturbance of that at the time of development of Minamata-disease-like symptoms. Some of these rabbits showed hypertonic small bladder, while some others showed large bladder. 5) A large number of cases of either cerebral arteriosclerosis or frontal lobe tumor showed a hypertonic bladder, on the other hand, almost all cases of traumatic epidural hematoma showed a hypotonic bladder. The above results show that organic mercuric compounds have direct poisoning effect on the kidney, but in Mimanata disease, the disturbance of renal function was very rare. The results also suggest that there may be two centers which control the urinary bladder. One is the suppression center which might be situated in the frontal part of the frontal lobe and the other is the promotion center situated behind the former.
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