泌尿器科領域に於ける尿中17-KS分画の研究 : 第VI篇 Male Hypogonadismの尿中17-KS分画 特にTestosterone 1回投与前後及び長期間のTestosterone治療前後の尿中17-KS分画の変動について
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A) This paper is concerned with the shift of the urinary 17-KS fraction following a single injection of 100 mg of testosterone propionate in oil intramuscularly in 10 male hypogonadisms and two castrates. (1) The response value of urinary total 17-KS after testosterone administration in hypogonadotrophic eunuchoidism was much more than that of the healthy young men. The response in Klinefelter's syndrome, anorchia and castrates were almost the same as in the healthy young men, but very low in normogonadotrophic eunuchoidism. (2) The large part of the increase of total 17-KS was due to the increase of androsterone (AND) and etiocholanolone (ETIO) fraction. (3) The ratio of AND/ETIO decreased in healthy young men, but increased in the cases of male hypogonadism, regardless of its type. But this ratio was not over 1.0 except one case of Klinefelter's syndrome. (4) The change of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), 11-oxy 17-KS, 17-OHCS were limited within daily variation. But in one case of anorchia, remarkable increase of DHEA was observed. (5) The ratio of (AND+ETIO)/(DHEA+11-oxy 17-KS), (AND+ETIO)/11-oxy 17-KS, and 11 deoxy 17-KS/11-oxy 17-KS varied in compliance with the change of AND ETIO. (6) The response of the total 17-KS excretion in two castrates was similar, although the lapse of time after the castration was very different (6 months, 20 years). However it was noticed that the shift of 17-KS fraction and fractionation ratio conversed with each other. B) The effect of long-term testosterone treatment on urinary 17-KS fraction was studied in 10 male hypogonadism. (1) The value of urinary total 17-KS and its fraction remained in the same pattern before treatment in two cases, in which clinical improvement was not seen after the inadequate therapy for less than 6 months. (2) The urinary total 17-KS and fraction, especially 11-deoxy 17-KS increased very much in 7 cases in which treatment was continued from 6 months to 2 years regularly, and approached to a normal pattern with the improvement of clinical signs. In 2 cases of them, further testosterone administration was continued for 4 to 5 years, unexpectedly it was found that total 17-KS value and its fraction pattern of these 2 cases has reserved to the level before the treatment, in spite of maintenance of satisfactory clinical improvement.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1967-00-00
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- 泌尿器科領域に於ける尿中17-KS分画の研究 : 第VI篇 Male Hypogonadismの尿中17-KS分画 特にTestosterone 1回投与前後及び長期間のTestosterone治療前後の尿中17-KS分画の変動について