螢光抗体法による淋菌の検索 : 第II報 臨床的応用
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In the previous report (40) a method of preparing fluorescent antibody to gonococcus and the results of tests for its specific activity were described. Fluorescent antibody labelled with two or three fluorescein molecules was shown to be most useful in view of its specificity and staining potency. Among stock strains of genus Neisseria and of several gram-positive cocci, only meningococcus strains (Group A,B,C, and D) were found strongly cross reactive with the fluorescent antibody solution, although, because of the natural antibody involved, a strain of staphylococcus (209P) was stained to some extent. Further studies carried out thereafter on strains which were isolated from uretheritis and cystitis patients, and revealed that the unfavourable staining of microorganisms indigenous to urethral membrane would not be likely to occur, so far as the present fluorescent antibody solution was concerned. The present studies were undertaken to make a clinical appraisal of fluorescent antibody technique (FAT) for the detection of gonocucci in specimens taken from patients. Specimens from 126 patients were examined by both gram and fluorescent antibody staining. One hundred and twelve males were suspected of gonorrhea and 14 females were mostly the sextual partners of male patients. Cultural examinations were carried out on 86 out of 126 cases. Gram staining demonstrated the presence of gramnegative diplococci in 85 cases (67.5%), as compared to that of specifically by FAT stained diplococci in 79 cases (62.0%). Cultural examinations of 86 patients detected the presence of gonococci in 46 cases (88.5%) on the first trial. FAT-positive, culture-negative six cases were treated with placebo and subjected to cultural examination again on the next day. With this procedure five more positive cases were detected, making in total 51 positive cases (98.1%). The isolates were identified as gonococci by oxidase reaction as well as by fermentation tests when necessary. Thus, FAT and cultrual method gave nearly identical results in both positive and negative cases. This fact led the author to believe that the FAT is as much accurate and sensitive as cultural examination. About one fourth of the patients were examined by both direct and delayed methods of FAT. Both results agreed quite well in all of the cases tested. Eighty-five gram-negative diplococci found by gram staining probably included nine microorgainsms other than gonococci, as revealed by FAT and cutrural examination. The causes of discrepancies between the results obtained by gram staining, FAT and cultural examination were discussed in detail. The specificity, sensitivity, simplicity and rapidity of FAT in demonstrating gonococci in specimens indicated the usefulness of this procedure as a diagnostic tool for gonococcus infections.
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