いわゆる前立腺性好酸球増多症の研究 : 第9報 CL結晶生成好酸球ならびにその細胞化学的所見に及ぼす前立腺マツサージの影響
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The massage of the prostata was done in 60 cases of urosis and the absolute number of peripheral eosinocytes before and after the procedure was counted in an attempt to study what Yamamoto called prostatic eosinophilia (PE). At the same time the Charcot-Leyden crystals-forming capacity and cytochemistry of peripheral eosinocytes in all the cases were studied by means of the same procedures that used by Shikada. "Thus" the effects of the massage of the prostate were studied. Results 1) The "PE" phenomenon was seen in 5 of the 60 cases of urosis. 2) As to Charcot-Leyden crystals-forming eosinocytes from the 5 cases which showed positive reactions for the "PE" phenomenon, 3 and 5 cases showed positive reactions before and after the massage of the prostata, respectively. 3) The massage of the prostata is considered to provide significant means for testing the Charcot-Leyden crystal-forming capacity of "PE" positive cases. 4) Eosinocytes from the 5 cases showing positive reactions for the "PE" phenomenon are specific eosinocytes different from normal eosinocytes from a cyto chemical viewpoint. 5) The massage of the prostata has no effects upon the cyto chemical findings noted in eosinocytes from both "PE"-positive and "PE-negative cases. 6) Eosinocytes from a female case showed a positive reaction for the Charcot-Leyden crystals-forming capacityl From a cytochemical standpoint the same findings that seen in "PE"-positive cases were noted in those eosinocytes. 7) As his co-worker asserts, the present author proposes to interprete the "PE" phenomenon as reactivity due to allergic pathologic changes in the prostate.
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